Opening of our new office in Agla Cotonou Benin

This week our office in Agla, Cotonou, Benin is opened. Enthousiastic reviews, because it is not according the common concept. Our travel agency is also the home for a coffeeshop, which you cannot find in many places in Cotonou. A good cup of coffee is hard to find. Also some more luxury kinds of beer. Another shop is the Gallery, where you can buy Arts and also some fashion.


Lovely snacks from the patisserie

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Colleague Joëlle

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Me with customers

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Even some Dutchies

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At the gallery

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Some more snacks

Book your tour with us: Lirokotours

Photos by: Cora Unk Photo

Carnaval in Grand Popo 2015

Yes, you can celebrate Carnaval in Grand Popo, Benin, Africa! Music, dance, culture and voodoo can be seen and heared! This year it was held from 28-30 August 2015.Carnaval Grand Popo 730

Zangbeto voodoo, the night watcher

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Different Folklore groups to see

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Drums are a very important instrument

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Dancing in front of the group

Carnaval Grand Popo 753the Voodoo group is dressed in white

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Another group

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Walking on stilts

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Miss Carnaval Popo and her staff on the way

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Photos made by: Cora Unk Photo

Book your tour with: L’iroko Inter SARL

Yam Festival in Savalou

web-012-1                                                    Pounded Yam in a Restaurant in Benin


Yam pounding in a Restaurant in Benin

Yam is grown in center and North of Benin. In Savalou it is a tradition to celebrate yam. Than every 15th of August people of Savalou and the king celebrate Yam festival. In this festival it is said that the ancestors and the divinities must taste the new yam before the human. That day the yam is cooked and give to divinities as sacrifice after that it is share to Savalou people and the guest. All Savalou people come out in their traditional dressing. It is a great celebration in which you can see all traditional musics and religion. The city is always full with people and there are many traditional events.